
Our Core Values

1. The respect of fundamental human rights of persons contained in the universal declaration of human right, in all its dimensions is non-negotiable. 

2. Poverty and unequal access to essential resources that characterize our nations despite the enormous and available riches can be eliminated by positive actions of men of good will and sound government policies.

 3. Education is an effective tool in the fight against ignorance and underdevelopment

 4. Capacity building is the basic requirement for a productive and progressive society. 

5. The word of God is an irrefutable tool for human transformation and in the fostering of sound moral and ethical values in the society.

With your help, we can make the world a better place together

Our vision is to create a better world for everyone

Our vision is to create a better world for everyone, where every person has access to the resources, knowledge, and support they need to build a better future for themselves and their families.
The purpose of Better World Charity (B.W.C), is to improve the lives of disadvantaged and vulnerable people in local communities by providing holistic support that addresses key needs such as health, education, food security and vocational training

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Our Team

Meet our team