Spreading Love and Empowering Young Girls: Better World Charity's Valentine's Day Celebration
Dreaming about making the world a place where basic needs and opportunities are available for everyone starts with acts of kindness and love. At Better World Charity, we believe in doing the little we can now while hoping to change the world tomorrow. Join us in celebrating Valentine's Day by empowering young girls in Bamenda, Cameroon, through menstrual education and the provision of sanitary pads. Together, we can create a better world for all.

Better World Charity: Empowering Sustainable Agriculture through Innovation
Discover how Better World Charity and its members participated in the Bamenda Innovation Week, focusing on sustainable agriculture and food security. Learn about their innovative software application that empowers farmers, reduces spoilage, and helps them unlock the full potential of their market. Celebrate their achievement and the positive impact they are bringing to the agricultural sector in Cameroon.

Empowering Bamenda with Soap Production!
Bamenda bubbles with hope as nearly 30 residents learn to make their own soap! In the face of ongoing challenges, Bamenda found a reason to celebrate on December 17th. Partnering with Xhuma Africa and Nobel Stel Foundation, Better World Charity empowered close to 30 participants with the valuable skill of local soap production. This initiative is more than just sudsy self-reliance; it's about building resilience, fostering community, and sparking a wave of hope. ✨ By equipping individuals with the knowledge to produce their own necessities, we pave the way for a brighter future and become the hope for humanity. Join us in celebrating this empowering step towards a cleaner and more self-sufficient Bamenda! #BamendaStrong #SoapEmpowerment #CommunityResilience #HopeThroughSkills #BetterWorldCharity #XhumaAfrica #NobelStelFoundation Click to read the full story and see how you can be part of the sudsy solution!

visit to Bamenda Central Prison.
On the 15th of August 2023 BETTER WORLD CHARITY visited Bamenda Central Prison to share food stuffs to inmates and encourage them that jail is not the end of life.