Better World Charity is organizing a vocational training program to provide educational opportunities for internally displaced persons (IDPs) and vulnerable individuals in the local community. Through various computer, barbering, hair salon services, and fashion design courses, the organization aims to equip participants with in-demand job skills and qualifications. Upon completing the training, participants will be well-positioned to find stable employment and contribute to the economic well-being of their families and the community at large.
By empowering IDPs and other marginalized groups through vocational education, Better World Charity is helping to alleviate poverty in a sustainable manner. Rather than merely providing temporary aid, the program seeks to equip trainees with long-term career prospects through which they can support themselves and others. In this way, the charity is joining forces in the fight against poverty by cultivating self-sufficiency and fostering entrepreneurship. The computer, barbering, hair, and fashion design classes will allow participants to gain credentials in fields with good job prospects. Upon graduating from the program, individuals will be prepared to earn a living and improve their socioeconomic conditions through stable employment or small business ownership. In this way, Better World Charity aims to uplift the most vulnerable members of society and help strengthen the community's resilience for years to come.
Event Venue
Paper house building Ghana streetLocaiton
+237 672520509
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